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Image by Alora Griffiths

AI-based Training Plans

For Olympic Weightlifters & Functional Fitness Athletes

Olympic Weightlifting

Our olympic weightlifting programs assist you in achieving peak condition for your next competition. If you do not have any competition planed or just want to get the maximum out of your off-season, we have the right programs for you as well. All weightlifting programs are also well suited for functional fitness athletes who want to focus on their olympic lifts.

Scientific Approach

WL Coach is based on the state of the art in the field of strength sports science. For this purpose, the relevant scientific literature and expert opinions (gray literature) were evaluated and the corresponding knowledge was integrated into the Artificial Intelligence. A major part of the used literature is also mentioned in our blog articles. 

Functional Fitness Athletes

The Performance Program is targeting all kinds of functional fitness athletes. Main exercises are Snatches and Clean & Jerks as well as Squatting, Pulling and Pushing. In the final weeks of the program you will go for a PR Hunt. Olympic weightlifters can choose this program as well, especially if they do not have any competition planned.

Personalized Training Plan

Based on your personal data, WL Coach will determine important parameters like your optimal training volume, intensity, frequency, periodization strategy and much more. For this purpose, a decision tree based algorithm is used. Eventually, the calculated parameters build the base for generating your custom tailored workout plan.

Get Your Individualized Plan

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Weightlifting Masterclass

Video Library

With each bought training program you gain access to our video library. In over 25 exclusive videos, X is teaching you how to master olympic weightlifting technique.

I am X.

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Your Reviews

Diana Franke, Functional Fitness Athlete

“WL Coach helped me tackle my biggest weakness: within six months my squat went up 15 kg."

Contact Us

Johannes Heidt

76437 Rastatt, Germany

Support Hours:

Mon - Sat: 7am - 5pm

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